Про­чи­тай­те текст и вставь­те вме­сто каж­до­го про­пус­ка под­хо­дя­щее слово, вы­брав его из вы­па­да­ю­ще­го спис­ка. Два слова в спис­ке лиш­ние: Although he was (1) in Austria, Arnold Schwarzenegger has spent (2) of his life in the US. He has been (3) for a long time. He started his career as a champion body builder, but (4) became popular with movie (5) and fans, and his popularity has been increasing ever since.

He has performed in comedies, thrillers, Science-fiction, and other types of films. According to many of his fans, he has never made a bad film.

1. born; 2. performed; 3. quickly; 4. producers; 5. most; 6. acting; 7. great.

За­пи­ши­те в таб­ли­цу вы­бран­ные цифры под со­от­вет­ству­ю­щи­ми бук­ва­ми.

мамаТВ мамаТВ    2   22.04.2021 14:51    2

omanivchuk omanivchuk  22.04.2021 15:00

1) born

2) acting

3) producers

4) quickly

5) performed

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