Я, Елена Тихонова, ученица 9 класса «Б» школы № 65, получила в школьной библиотеке 5 (пять) экземпляров «Толкового словаря русского языка» С. И. Ожегова и Н. Ю. Шведовой для проведения урока русского языка. Книги обязуюсь вернуть в этот же день. I, Elena Tikhonova, the schoolgirl 9 "B" class of school № 65, received in the school library 5 (five) copies of the "dictionary of Russian language" si Ozhegova and N. Y. Shvedova for the lesson of the Russian language. Books undertake to return the same day.
I, Elena Tikhonova, the schoolgirl 9 "B" class of school № 65, received in the school library 5 (five) copies of the "dictionary of Russian language" si Ozhegova and N. Y. Shvedova for the lesson of the Russian language. Books undertake to return the same day.