Пример описания картинки
1. I would like to describe picture No (number)...
2. The picture shows a woman (a girl, a boy, children)
at school (at home, in the garden, ...).
3. In the background of the picture there is/there are ...
. so we can understand (guess) that it was taken in the
classroom (in the garden, etc.)
- The weather is ... I think it is ... (season).
4. The woman is reading a book in a hammock (ramak).
(The girl is doing a task in her copybook. The boy is
solving Maths problems by the blackboard).
5. She (he, they) is (are) young (old, middle-aged,) and
pretty (handsome, beautiful).
6. She (he, they) has got (have got)... short (long)
blonde (dark) hair and ... eyes.
7. She (he, they) is (are) wearing...
8. She (he, they) look(s)/ seem(s) ... happy (relaxed,
serious, concentrated, etc.)
9. I like the photo because the woman (girl, boy) is
having a good time. I also enjoy ... (reading, relaxing
in the garden).
I don't like this photo because the boy looks stressed.
In my opinion, he is bad at Maths.