Пример 1 Найти английские эквиваленты. Найдите английские эквиваленты.

Микроорганизмы; может переходить; через порезы в коже; можно проглотить; во время кашля или разговора; рас живыми насекомыми; делятся; чтобы осмотреть горло; ухаживать за инфицированным больным; защита от рас инфекции.

Пример 2 Найти российские эквиваленты. Найдите русские эквиваленты.

Вторжение в тело; конкретный вторжения; это может быть проглочено; через кишечник и стул; кожные инфекции; поделены; полностью развитая болезнь; характерные симптомы; может появиться сыпь; медицинский персонал; должен быть очень осторожным.

lololo20021 lololo20021    1   16.04.2020 14:35    266

Akbota0504 Akbota0504  12.01.2024 13:42
Пример 1:
1. Микроорганизмы - Microorganisms
- Explanation: Микроорганизмы refers to small living organisms that cannot be seen with the naked eye, such as bacteria, fungi, and viruses. The English equivalent is "Microorganisms."
- Step-by-step solution: The Russian word "Микроорганизмы" can be translated as "Microorganisms" in English.
2. Может переходить - Can spread
- Explanation: This phrase describes the ability of something to transfer or transmit from one person to another. In the given context, it refers to the transmission of microorganisms.
- Step-by-step solution: The Russian phrase "Может переходить" can be translated as "Can spread" in English.
3. Через порезы в коже - Through cuts in the skin
- Explanation: This phrase means that microorganisms can enter the body through small cuts or wounds on the skin.
- Step-by-step solution: The Russian phrase "Через порезы в коже" can be translated as "Through cuts in the skin" in English.
4. Можно проглотить - Can be swallowed
- Explanation: This phrase indicates that microorganisms can enter the body through ingestion, such as swallowing contaminated food or water.
- Step-by-step solution: The Russian phrase "Можно проглотить" can be translated as "Can be swallowed" in English.
5. Во время кашля или разговора - During coughing or talking
- Explanation: This describes the time when microorganisms can be transmitted through droplets from coughs or conversations.
- Step-by-step solution: The Russian phrase "Во время кашля или разговора" can be translated as "During coughing or talking" in English.
6. Рас живыми насекомыми - On live insects
- Explanation: This phrase refers to microorganisms that can reside and survive on live insects.
- Step-by-step solution: The Russian phrase "Рас живыми насекомыми" can be translated as "On live insects" in English.
7. Делятся - Multiply
- Explanation: This suggests the ability of microorganisms to reproduce and increase in number.
- Step-by-step solution: The Russian word "Делятся" can be translated as "Multiply" in English.
8. Чтобы осмотреть горло - To examine the throat
- Explanation: This phrase indicates the purpose of examining the throat, which can be related to the presence of microorganisms or infection.
- Step-by-step solution: The Russian phrase "Чтобы осмотреть горло" can be translated as "To examine the throat" in English.
9. Ухаживать за инфицированным больным - Take care of an infected patient
- Explanation: This phrase implies the actions and responsibilities involved in caring for a patient who is infected with microorganisms.
- Step-by-step solution: The Russian phrase "Ухаживать за инфицированным больным" can be translated as "Take care of an infected patient" in English.
10. Защита от рас инфекции - Protection against bacterial infection
- Explanation: This phrase refers to the measures or actions taken to prevent or protect against bacterial infection.
- Step-by-step solution: The Russian phrase "Защита от рас инфекции" can be translated as "Protection against bacterial infection" in English.

Пример 2:
1. Вторжение в тело - Invasion into the body
- Explanation: This phrase represents the act of harmful microorganisms entering and attacking the body.
- Step-by-step solution: The Russian phrase "Вторжение в тело" can be translated as "Invasion into the body" in English.
2. Конкретный вторжения - Specific invasions
- Explanation: This phrase implies specific instances or types of invasions by microorganisms, possibly in different parts of the body.
- Step-by-step solution: The Russian phrase "Конкретный вторжения" can be translated as "Specific invasions" in English.
3. Это может быть проглочено - It can be swallowed
- Explanation: This phrase indicates the possibility of ingesting microorganisms through the mouth.
- Step-by-step solution: The Russian phrase "Это может быть проглочено" can be translated as "It can be swallowed" in English.
4. Через кишечник и стул - Through the intestines and stool
- Explanation: This phrase describes the path of microorganisms through the digestive system and their elimination in the form of stool.
- Step-by-step solution: The Russian phrase "Через кишечник и стул" can be translated as "Through the intestines and stool" in English.
5. Кожные инфекции - Skin infections
- Explanation: This term refers to infections that occur on or within the skin caused by microorganisms.
- Step-by-step solution: The Russian term "Кожные инфекции" can be translated as "Skin infections" in English.
6. Поделены - Divided
- Explanation: This means that the topic or concept is organized into different divisions or categories.
- Step-by-step solution: The Russian word "Поделены" can be translated as "Divided" in English.
7. Полностью развитая болезнь - Fully developed disease
- Explanation: This phrase indicates that the disease or condition has reached its complete or advanced stage.
- Step-by-step solution: The Russian phrase "Полностью развитая болезнь" can be translated as "Fully developed disease" in English.
8. Характерные симптомы - Characteristic symptoms
- Explanation: This refers to the specific signs or indications that are typically associated with a particular disease or condition.
- Step-by-step solution: The Russian phrase "Характерные симптомы" can be translated as "Characteristic symptoms" in English.
9. Может появиться сыпь - A rash may appear
- Explanation: This phrase suggests the possibility of the occurrence of a rash, which can be a symptom of certain infections or diseases caused by microorganisms.
- Step-by-step solution: The Russian phrase "Может появиться сыпь" can be translated as "A rash may appear" in English.
10. Медицинский персонал должен быть очень осторожным - Medical personnel should be very cautious
- Explanation: This phrase highlights the importance of medical professionals taking necessary precautions while dealing with microorganisms and infected patients.
- Step-by-step solution: The Russian phrase "Медицинский персонал должен быть очень осторожным" can be translated as "Medical personnel should be very cautious" in English.
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