Примечание: Напишите 8 слов через запятую без нумерации. После запятой должен быть пробел. Все слова должны быть написаны с маленькой буквы. Точку в конце ставить не нужно.

Example answer: much, much, many, many, much, much, many, many
1) They have (many/much) foodstuffs in the fridge.
2) There are (many/much) books on your desk.
3) You have (many/much) mistakes in the test.
4) You may not drink (many/much) coffee.
5) You put (many/much) vegetables in the soup.
6) You put (many/much) fruit in the salad.
7) Must we learn (many/much) words for today?
8) We have got (many/much) sandwiches.

Danil10031 Danil10031    3   21.05.2020 13:27    1

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