1. Which country will go first of all? (Мальдивы)
2. Which country has the largest number of obese people? (Республика Науру)
3. Which country has the most lakes? (Канада)
4. Which country has the smallest population density? (Монголия)
5. What country has no rivers? (Саудовская Аравия)
6. Which country has the youngest population? (Нигерия)
7. In which country do not know the official language? (Папуа - Новая Гвинея)
1. Which country will go first of all? (Мальдивы)
2. Which country has the largest number of obese people? (Республика Науру)
3. Which country has the most lakes? (Канада)
4. Which country has the smallest population density? (Монголия)
5. What country has no rivers? (Саудовская Аравия)
6. Which country has the youngest population? (Нигерия)
7. In which country do not know the official language? (Папуа - Новая Гвинея)