Придумать 10 предложений с home и house

ольга2444 ольга2444    3   16.07.2019 00:00    2

atas2 atas2  07.09.2020 12:51
1)Home, sweet, home!
2) We go home now
3)My mother wait fot me at home
4)I go home at 5 p.m.
5) At what time did you go home everyday?
6)I order home made tacos.
7)Now, I think my home is great!
8) Our home is full of guests.
9)We have the big dog at home.
10) I had lunch at home.

1)My house - my fortress.
2)My house is nicer than his house
3)We built a new house.
4)We live in the house cat.
5)Behind our house a beautiful garden.
6)Tomorrow the house will begin repairs.
7)House 2 is closed
8)Windows of our house overlook the lake.
9) This house is building.
10) My grandpa was build this hose 30 years ago.
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