Преврати эти команды в вежливые прозьбы образец take a book-take a book please! read a text! sing a song! sit with your friend! take his hand! run to the shop!

NeviL1488 NeviL1488    1   11.06.2019 03:10    1

EvaMilka EvaMilka  09.07.2020 08:29
Read a text! – Could you read a text? Can you read a text? Read a text, please!
Sing a song! – Could you sing a song? Can you sing a song? Sing a song, please!
Sit with your friend! – Could you sit with your friend? Can you sit with your friend? Sit with your friend, please!
Take his hand! – Could you take his hand? Can you take his hand? Take his hand, please!
Run to the shop! – Could you run to the shop? Can you run to the shop? Run to the shop, please!
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