Present Simple – Настоящее простое время I. Раскрой скобки и напиши глаголы в утвердительной форме. Example: I in the lake. (to swim) Answer: I swim in the lake. 1) We our dog. (to call) 2) Emma in the lessons. (to dream) 3) They at birds. (to look) 4) John home from school. (to come) 5) I my friends. (to meet) 6) He the laptop. (to repair) 7) Walter and Frank hello. (to say) 8) The cat under the tree. (to sit) 9) You water. (to drink) 10) She the lunchbox. (to forget) II. Раскрой скобки и напиши глаголы в отрицательной форме. Example: Jane a book. (not/to read) Answer: Jane doesn't read a book. 1) Tom stamps. (not/to collect) 2) You songs in the bathroom. (not/to sing) 3) Julie in the garden. (not/to work) 4) I at home. (not/to sit) 5) Tina and Kate the windows. (not/to open) 6) Adam French. (not/to speak) 7) His sister lemonade. (not/to like) 8) We to music. (not/to listen) 9) My father the car every Saturday. (not/to clean) 10) Johnny and Danny in the lake. (not/to swim) III. Раскрой скобки и напиши глаголы в вопросительной форме. Example: ___ they their friends? (to phone) Answer: Do they phone their friends? 1) you mineral water? (to drink) 2) Sarah and Linda their pets? (to feed) 3) your teacher your homework? (to check) 4) they in the old house? (to live) 5) the cat on the wall in the mornings? (to sit) 6) Nina computer games? (to play) 7) your parents TV in the afternoon? (to watch) 8) your grandmother the phone? (to answer) 9) Andy the shopping? (to do) 10) Garry and Ken a cup of tea in the afternoon? (to have)

valerijsafonov valerijsafonov    3   04.12.2020 15:12    1994

NoMatterWho2001 NoMatterWho2001  20.12.2023 17:00
I. Раскрой скобки и напиши глаголы в утвердительной форме: 1) We (call) our dog. - We call our dog. 2) Emma (dream) in the lessons. - Emma dreams in the lessons. 3) They (look) at birds. - They look at birds. 4) John (come) home from school. - John comes home from school. 5) I (meet) my friends. - I meet my friends. 6) He (repair) the laptop. - He repairs the laptop. 7) Walter and Frank (say) hello. - Walter and Frank say hello. 8) The cat (sit) under the tree. - The cat sits under the tree. 9) You (drink) water. - You drink water. 10) She (forget) the lunchbox. - She forgets the lunchbox. II. Раскрой скобки и напиши глаголы в отрицательной форме: 1) Tom (not/collect) stamps. - Tom does not collect stamps. 2) You (not/sing) songs in the bathroom. - You do not sing songs in the bathroom. 3) Julie (not/work) in the garden. - Julie does not work in the garden. 4) I (not/sit) at home. - I do not sit at home. 5) Tina and Kate (not/open) the windows. - Tina and Kate do not open the windows. 6) Adam (not/speak) French. - Adam does not speak French. 7) His sister (not/like) lemonade. - His sister does not like lemonade. 8) We (not/listen) to music. - We do not listen to music. 9) My father (not/clean) the car every Saturday. - My father does not clean the car every Saturday. 10) Johnny and Danny (not/swim) in the lake. - Johnny and Danny do not swim in the lake. III. Раскрой скобки и напиши глаголы в вопросительной форме: 1) (Do) you (drink) mineral water? - Do you drink mineral water? 2) (Do) Sarah and Linda (feed) their pets? - Do Sarah and Linda feed their pets? 3) (Does) your teacher (check) your homework? - Does your teacher check your homework? 4) (Do) they (live) in the old house? - Do they live in the old house? 5) (Does) the cat (sit) on the wall in the mornings? - Does the cat sit on the wall in the mornings? 6) (Does) Nina (play) computer games? - Does Nina play computer games? 7) (Do) your parents (watch) TV in the afternoon? - Do your parents watch TV in the afternoon? 8) (Does) your grandmother (answer) the phone? - Does your grandmother answer the phone? 9) (Does) Andy (do) the shopping? - Does Andy do the shopping? 10) (Do) Garry and Ken (have) a cup of tea in the afternoon? - Do Garry and Ken have a cup of tea in the afternoon? Надеюсь, это помогло вам лучше понять использование Настоящего простого времени (Present Simple). Если у вас есть еще вопросы, не стесняйтесь задавать!
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