Present progressive. составить 10 утвердительных, 5 вопросительных, 5 отрицательных предложений.

deminav733 deminav733    2   19.05.2019 23:30    2

Kot2351 Kot2351  13.06.2020 05:56

Не is speaking to Jane now.
My granny is swimminh on the swimming pool now
Antony is playing in football/

The Childrens are walking in the garden

Oliver is  watching tv now

My father is cleaning car now/
My mother is cooking meal now/

Clifford is playing for gitar now

I am eatting aplle now/

 Не is not speaking to Sabby now.

They arent going to the theatre
I am not speaking on the telephone 

Cuny isnt watering flowers on the garden
y grandpa isnt watching trillers


Ishe speaking to Jane now?

Are they reading books now?

Is he smoking a ciggaret now?

Is she playinh videogames now?

Are we going to a journey? 

1АндрейKEK 1АндрейKEK  13.06.2020 05:56

I am reading the interesting book.

She is writing a letter.

They are sleeping at the hotel.

We are walking in the street!

He is working.

The dog is runing.

The window is opening.

He is eating an apple.

The boy is playing football.

I am feeling a smell/


He is not reading a horse.

He is not working.

She is not writing.

We are not running.

They are not seating.


Is he writting a letter/

Are they riding a horse/

Is she playing a guitar/

Are the feeling a smell

Is he working/

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