Present perfect + still, yet, just and already
3 ** write sentences using the present perfect
and the word in brackets.
we / listen to / that cd (already)
we've already listened to that cd.
1 1/watch/ this film (already)
2 he / play / a new song (just)
3 daniel / become / a celebrity / ? (yet)
4 we/not finish / our new album (still)
5 they / start/ their tour/? (yet)​

марья49 марья49    1   07.12.2019 18:31    1

Даша1000000000000p Даша1000000000000p  10.10.2020 19:10

I have already watched this film.

He has just played a new song.

Has Daniel become a celebrity yet?

We haven't still finished our new album.

Have they started their tour yet?


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