Преобразуйте прямую речь в косвенную 1. “I like ice cream”
Mary said (that)

2. “We are on time”
The Browns said (that)

3. “He is sitting on the table
Sue said (that)

4. “Bill always goes to bed early”
Mother said (that)___

5. “I often drive to London”
Mrs Smith said (that)___

6. “I’m going to answer the phone”
Bill said (that)___

7. “I’m not doing my homework now”
The girl said (that)___

8. “I always sell all my flowers”
The gardener said (that)___

9. “You can help me with the dishes”
Mother said (that)___

10. “I meet him every friday”
He said (that)___

11. “I leave tonight”
Jim told me (that)___

12. “I’m waiting TV”
He said (that)

13. “She likes roast beef”
She told them (that)___

ivanovali0109 ivanovali0109    3   23.01.2022 10:40    43

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