Преобразуйте предложения в косвенную речь согласно образцам. Обратите внимание, что глагол в главном предложении стоит в настоящем времени.
Pattern: She says, "What is he?"
She asks (me) what he is.
1. "Where do you live?"
2. “When did they wake you up?"
Pattern: He says, "Are you a doctor?" He asks (me) if/whether I am a doctor.
1. "Have you ever been here?"
2. "Has he told you the truth?"
Exercise 2. Convert into reported speech. Use sui¬table verbs and nouns (or pronouns) from the lists below.
Verbs: to tell, to order, to command, to persuade, to remind, to invite, to forbid, to warn, to advise, to ask, to beg, to implore.
Nouns: Tom, Mary, the boy, my friend, his guest, the manager, both of them, Mother, my son, her daughter, me, her, him, them, you, us.
Pattern: He says, "Stop talking."
He tells them to stop talking.
He says,
1. "Listen, please!"
2. "Please wake me up at eight."
Pattern: He says, "Please don't be upset."
He asks Mary not to be upset.
He says,
1. "Don't be afraid."
2. "Please don't tell Mother about it."
Exercise 3. Translate into English.
А. Фред спрашивает,
1. когда ребята вернутся из Москвы
2. кто приходил к ним вчера
Мэри хочет знать,
1. бывали ли твои друзья в Японии
2. поедешь ли ты завтра на дачу