Преобразуйте предложения в косвенную речь

"I live in a nice town." - She said she

"I don't like going out very much." - He told me he

"I'm studying Chinese." Irina told me she

"I've been to Las Vegas." - He told me he

"I haven't read the advertisement." - She said she

"We woke up at 7am." - They said they

"I came back home late at night." - Mum told me she

"I won't go to bed so early." - He said he

Soffa6110 Soffa6110    1   04.04.2020 08:56    1

cobaincurt cobaincurt  11.09.2020 23:55

"I live in a nice town." - She said she lived in a nice town.

"I don't like going out very much." - He told me he did not like going out very much.

"I'm studying Chinese." Irina told me she was studying Chinese.

"I've been to Las Vegas." - He told me he had been to Las Vegas.

"I haven't read the advertisement." - She said she had not read the advertisement.

"We woke up at 7am." - They said they had waken up at 7 am.

"I came back home late at night." - Mum told me she had come back home late that night.

"I won't go to bed so early." - He said he would not go to bed that early.


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