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It is one thing to land scientific instruments on Mars; however, it is quite another to establish a base for humans to explore the planet. Even if we, we would probably freeze to death. DO
The a river flows, the more erosion it causes in the soil and rocks around it. FAST
A farmer had some puppies he needed to sell. He painted a signthe pups and set about nailing it to a post on the edge of his yard. ADVERTISE
The British artist John Constable is seen as one of Europe's best painters of country scenes. He once said that he an ugly thing in his life and his beautiful painting The Cornfield seems to prove this. NEVER SEE
With a grave face and reserved manner he had walked out into the street and went slowly in the direction of the house of the Professor. He along when he saw two students. HURRY
In the 1845, in Virginia,USA, a hotel owner named Robert Morris 1 decided to break open a locked box that to him for safekeeping by a guest named Thomas Beale. GIVE

vika2087 vika2087    2   21.04.2020 10:29    1192

sodel28 sodel28  24.01.2024 09:55
It is one thing to land scientific instruments on Mars; however, it is quite another to establish a base for humans to explore the planet. Even if we do, we would probably freeze to death.

The more a river flows, the more erosion it causes in the soil and rocks around it.

A farmer had some puppies he needed to sell. He painted a sign for the pups and set about nailing it to a post on the edge of his yard.

The British artist John Constable is seen as one of Europe's best painters of country scenes. He once said that he had never seen an ugly thing in his life and his beautiful painting The Cornfield seems to prove this.

With a grave face and reserved manner, he had walked out into the street and went slowly in the direction of the house of the Professor. He hurried along when he saw two students.

In 1845, in Virginia, USA, a hotel owner named Robert Morris decided to break open a locked box that had been given to him for safekeeping by a guest named Thomas Beale.
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