Преобразуй слова, напечатанные заглавными буквами, так, чтобы они грамматически соответствовали содержанию текста: 1) PSYCHOLOGY have concluded that cultures influence the emotional sphere of people.

2) People of different cultures express emotions in COMPLETE opposite ways.

3) More specifically, these rules show the CORRESPOND of the expression of each emotion to certain social circumstances.

4) They are found like something inner at an early age and LATE they dictate how general expression of emotion will change depending on the situation.

5) We have all noticed more than once how emotional CHILD are and how adults are able to hide their emotions.

6) Here emotions do not depend on CULTURE aspects. Because it is the age that affects this process.
Anyway, we should remember that cultural values influence the whole emotional state of a person as well the environment of his life.
7 нет

arriiina arriiina    1   13.09.2021 06:29    6

Polinaovch Polinaovch  13.09.2021 06:30

1. PSYCHOLOGISTS have concluded that cultures influence the emotional sphere of people.

2. People of different cultures express emotions in COMPLETELY opposite ways.

3. More specifically, these rules show the CORRESPONDENCE of the expression of each emotion to certain social circumstances.

4. They are found like something inner at an early age and LATER they dictate how general expression of emotion will change depending on the situation.

5. We have all noticed more than once how emotional CHILDREN are and how adults are able to hide their emotions.

6. Here emotions do not depend on CULTURAL aspects. Because it is the age that affects this process.

7. Anyway, we should remember that CULTURAL values influence the whole emotional state of a person as well the environment of his life.

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