- shorter - the shortest
- longer - the longest
- sillier - the silliest
- busier - the busiest
- bigger - the biggest
- richer - the richest
- poorer - the poorest
- nicer - the nicest
- cleverer - the cleverest
- politer - the politest
- prettier - the prettiest
- shier - the shiest
- merrier - the merriest
- earlier - the earliest
- more beautiful - the most beautiful
- handsomer/more handsome - the handsomest/the most handsome
- better - the best
- worse - the worst
- littler - the littlest
- more difficult - the most difficult
- more interesting - the most interesting
- more talented - the most talented
- shorter - the shortest
- longer - the longest
- sillier - the silliest
- busier - the busiest
- bigger - the biggest
- richer - the richest
- poorer - the poorest
- nicer - the nicest
- cleverer - the cleverest
- politer - the politest
- prettier - the prettiest
- shier - the shiest
- merrier - the merriest
- earlier - the earliest
- more beautiful - the most beautiful
- handsomer/more handsome - the handsomest/the most handsome
- better - the best
- worse - the worst
- littler - the littlest
- more difficult - the most difficult
- more interesting - the most interesting
- more talented - the most talented