преобразовать слова в скобках
The Big Marathon
It was the day of the city marathon.
Cindy (train) for it for more than six months and was now ready. Unfortunately, the weather was not the best for the occasion.

The freezing rain was chilly and unpleasant, but then, what could you expect in the middle of December? It was after she had run 17 km that she .

Nothing really hurt, but Cindy felt miserable and started having (two) thoughts about finishing the run.

She didn’t think she could run any (far). That was when Lily, her best friend, caught up with her. She gave Cindy a hand and cheered her up. Together, Cindy and Lily ran the whole 42 km of the marathon.

Semfore Semfore    3   22.04.2020 13:45    280

Екатерина2088 Екатерина2088  07.01.2024 00:20
Преобразовать слова в скобках

The Big Marathon
It was the day of the city marathon.
Cindy had been training for it for more than six months and was now ready. Unfortunately, the weather was not the best for the occasion.

The freezing rain was chilly and unpleasant, but then, what could you expect in the middle of December? It was after she had run 17 km that she fell.

Nothing really hurt, but Cindy felt miserable and started having second thoughts about finishing the run.

She didn’t think she could run any farther. That was when Lily, her best friend, caught up with her. She gave Cindy a hand and cheered her up. Together, Cindy and Lily ran the whole 42 km of the marathon.

Школьной учитель:

Добрый день, давайте преобразуем слова в скобках в предложении:

The Big Marathon
It was the day of the city marathon.
Cindy (train) for it for more than six months and was now ready. Unfortunately, the weather was not the best for the occasion.

The freezing rain was chilly and unpleasant, but then, what could you expect in the middle of December? It was after she had run 17 km that she (fall).

Nothing really hurt, but Cindy felt miserable and started having (two) thoughts about finishing the run.

She didn’t think she could run any (far). That was when Lily, her best friend, caught up with her. She gave Cindy a hand and cheered her up. Together, Cindy and Lily ran the whole 42 km of the marathon.

Первое слово, которое нам нужно преобразовать, это "train". Мы знаем, что в предложении речь идет о том, что Синди тренировалась. Правильное преобразование - "trained".

Далее, следующее слово в скобках - "fall". Согласно тексту, Синди упала после пробежки 17 км. Правильное преобразование - "fell".

Переходим к следующему слову - "two". В тексте говорится о том, что у Синди возникли сомнения по поводу завершения забега. Мы можем сказать "two thoughts" или "doubts". Правильное преобразование - "doubts".

И наконец, последнее слово, которое нужно преобразовать - "far". В тексте говорится о том, что Синди не думала, что сможет пробежать больше. "Far" означает "далеко", и в этом контексте нам нужно использовать слово, означающее "больше". Правильное преобразование - "farther".

Следующее предложение будет иметь следующий вид:

It was the day of the city marathon.
Cindy trained for it for more than six months and was now ready. Unfortunately, the weather was not the best for the occasion.

The freezing rain was chilly and unpleasant, but then, what could you expect in the middle of December? It was after she had run 17 km that she fell.

Nothing really hurt, but Cindy felt miserable and started having doubts about finishing the run.

She didn’t think she could run any farther. That was when Lily, her best friend, caught up with her. She gave Cindy a hand and cheered her up. Together, Cindy and Lily ran the whole 42 km of the marathon.

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