Преобразовать предложения в Passive Voice 1) They feel that the compromise is not easy to achieve. 2) The ecologists discussed a number of
serious problems. 3) Holidaymakers really like this place. 4) Mother Natured created many
wonderful places. 5) This beauty fills the eye and warms the heart. 6) They will sell the book in
April. 7) What countries did visit?

ЕрнарЖанар ЕрнарЖанар    2   13.12.2020 23:46    12

умниквопрос умниквопрос  12.01.2021 23:48

ответ:1)It is felt that a compromise is not easy to achieve.

2)A number of serious problems were discussed.

3)This place is very liked with holidaymakers

4)Many wonderful places are created by Mother Nature.

5)The eye is filled and the heart warms with this beauty.

6)Books will be sold in April.

7)Which countries were visited ?


Passive voice это страдательный залог. То есть неизвестно, кто выполняет действие.

Например: Активный -Мэри убирает офис каждую неделю

Пассивный - Офис убирается каждую неделю

(прикрепила скрин как делать в каком либо времени)

Преобразовать предложения в Passive Voice 1) They feel that the compromise is not easy to achieve. 2
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