Представьте, что вы жили в атлантиде. решите, кто вы, например, король, фермер, моряк или торговец, и напишите дневниковую запись (50 слов) о том, что вы делали в понедельник. прочитайте свою запись в класс. 35

Yulia2107 Yulia2107    1   25.01.2020 08:43    5

Aizhan190901 Aizhan190901  11.10.2020 03:04
I am a farmer living in ancient Atlantis. Last Monday, my friends and I went searching for the treasures that people dropped at sea. after long work we were very tired and went to rest at my house. after a while we became hungry. my friend tom went to the bar for food. soon we ate and went home. it was a very good day.
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