Представьте, что вы работаете в приюте для животных. Используйте информацию в текстах, чтобы убедить . вашего партнера присоединиться к вам в приюте.

jillikati jillikati    3   13.02.2021 23:21    50

никич43 никич43  16.03.2021 00:21
Hi, i work at the shelter now. I think this is a very rewarding and noble job, because I help so many animals. they are very nice and interesting with them. it is not known what would have happened to these poor animals, if not for our shelter. I remember that you were looking for a job and I think that this job will be interesting for you, because you love animals as much as I do! I will be glad to see you at the shelter!
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