Представьте, что вы принимаете участие в экспедиции о динозаврах. напишите письмо другу с описанием того, что вы видели.

tatarelinagoodoybbdc tatarelinagoodoybbdc    2   18.06.2019 00:00    35

алмат112 алмат112  02.10.2020 04:10
Some years ago I was happy to take part in archaeological excavations in the Kerch Peninsula. We had to work early in the morning and in the evening while the sun wasn't boiling hot. I often tried to imagine those ancient times when dinosaurs were alive in these lands and one night I found myself among those monstrers. All dinosaurs seemed to be similar, but a number of them were significantly different in appearance. They were brachiosaurus ( long-armed lizards ). They are considered the largest giant lizards. They weight about 80 tons or more. They exactly can't  be confused with other dinosaurs. They were very tall and stood on their hind and front legs. Scientists can not reliably determine what dinosaurs ate . Because they never found the remains of the stomach contents. I hoped I would be lucky to examine it here and I began watching them when suddenly I noticed that one of the dinosaurs was watching me. When he moved towards me I got frightened and woke up. It appeared that I was exploring the land of dinosaurs just in my dream.
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