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Lynxes and glut- tons, though in- habiting almost everywhere, are quite rare predators: there are only about a few hun- dreds of them left. Smaller predators such as foxes, ermines, weasels and Siberian wea- sels, on the contrary, are more numerous, as well as other ab- original rodents and herbivorous animals, such as squirrel, munk, shrew and chip- mole.

The steppes and forest-steppes are inhabited by wolves, polecats, ground squirrels, hamsters, marmots and other animals. Song-birds pre- fer deciduous forests to the taiga inhabited osly by game birds such as hazel grouse, are protected by woodpeckers, orioles, jays, magpies and crossbills. The birch groves and forest-steppes are inhabited by partridges and quails, Geese, ducks and cranes build their son the banks of ponds. Such birds of and black grouse. The forests grouse nests prey as kestrels and owls are of great help in combating agricultural pests. The eagle owl, the largest species of owls, is very rare and needs protection, as well as the sable, otters, reindeer, bat and about eighty other species of animals. The Red Book of Kuzbass was created for their systematisation and protection. Until recently, the enormous water re- sources in our region were famous for vari- ous fish found there. Even now, in the clear mountain or taiga rivers, one can find about 30 other species of fish. However, the indus- trial development and hydraulic engineering in the region are polluting the Tom river and have a negative effect on the water fauna in Kuzbass. The world of invertebrates and insects inhabiting the territory of Kemerovo Region includes thousands of species that still need studying. Moreover, every year it is enriched by some species that are new for the region's fauna or unknown to science at all. And this is what makes the nature of Kemerovo Region so unique.

Iaro Iaro    3   30.10.2020 18:10    2

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