Правильно составить предложения! write the dialogue. then act it out in pairs. a: /you/like/listen/music? b: yes,/love/ a: /sort/music/you like/listen/? b: /quite/classical music and/listen/a lot of rock. a: /you/go/concert/your brother? b: /yes,/but my brother/not like/go/classical concerts./he only/enjoy/pop concerts. a: /he/like/dance/concerts? b: /yes,/he/dance/a lot. a: /you dance/with him? b: /no,/feel silly when/dance. but/enjoy/watch/other people dance.

malia1011 malia1011    1   02.08.2019 03:50    0

anastasikot anastasikot  19.08.2020 21:18
A: Do you like to listen to the music?
B: Yes, I do. I love it very much.
A: What sort of music do you like to listen to?
B: It is qiite different. I like classical music and I listen a lot of rock.
A: Do you go to the concerts with your brother?
B: Yes, we do. But my brother does not like to go to the classical concerts. He only ejoys pop concerts.
A: Does he like to dance at the concerts?
B: Yes, he does. He dances a lot.
A: Do you dance with him?
B: No, I don't. I feel silly when I dance. But I enjoy to watch other people dancing.
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