Правильно написать на . ,дорогие друзья.меня зовут алла иванова,я корреспондент газеты"время".и сейчас я веду прямой репортаж из центральной больницы г.шахты.страшный вирус охватил город.за последнюю неделю умерло уже более 10 человек.это ужасно.сейчас на моих глазах поступило несколько человек с высокой температурой.все палаты переполнены.врачи не знают лекарства от этой страшной болезни.мы будем следить за развитием событий,и надеемся что доктора найдут вылечить,охваченный паникой,город.

msflower05 msflower05    2   15.07.2019 21:30    1

karolka10201020 karolka10201020  03.10.2020 05:07
Hello!my dear friends my name is Alla Ivanova ,I am a correspondent of the newspaper "Vremya""Time".And now I'm reporting live from the central hospital of Shahti town.A terrible virus swept the city.At the last week has died more than 10 people.It's horrible.Now in my eyes were Received several people with a high temperature.All wards crowded.Doctors do not know the cure from a terrible disease.We will monitor developments and hope that doctors will find a way to cure,panic-stricken city.
настя14о настя14о  03.10.2020 05:07
Hello, dear friends. My name is Alls Ivanovna, i'm reporter of the "Time(или Vremya)" newspaper. And now i'm reporting from central hospital of Shakhta city. Terrible virus swept the city. 10 people have died in the last week. It's horrible. Now several people with fever have admitted to hospital in front of my eyes. All chambers are filled. Doctors don't know the cure for this terrible disease. We will monitor developments and hope that doctors will find a way to cure panic-stricken city.
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