Правильно ли я определила типы предложений? придаточное подлежащее that [we use computers in everyday life] needs no proof.придаточное сказуемое. one of the many mysteries about venus is where its water has gone.an important characteristic of radiation is that it can occur in a vacuum.придаточное дополнительноеthe particular task i have spoken about was chosen during our discussionthe newspaper has stated the orbital compartment of soyuz-6 had a total volume of 221 cubic feet.придаточное обстоятельственноеwhere high performance is a major task, arithmetic speed is very important.because the storage and switching elements normally used in computers are binary in nature, all information is encoded in a binary form.придаточное определительноеthe question i shall mention concerns the experiment that has been carried out at our laboratory.