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The Queen's family
In the days of Queen Viсtoria (18s7_1901), ordinary British people thought that
the royal family Was very speсial. Viсtoria, her husband and nine сhildren
Were seen as an example of perfeсt family life.
But today things B- different. The Queen is still generally popular, but
four сhildren _Anne and Andrew - are now divorсed.
Prince Charles, the Queen's oldest son' married Prinсess Diana in 1981. Diana
was young and beautiful and the newspapers and television were very interested in
her. Soon she was D- than Charles, her husband. But her marriage to Charles
was not happy. When Diana died in a car aссident in 1997 rvith her lover, Dodi
Fayed, many British people were very sad. In April 2005, Charles E_ Camilla
Parker Bowles, a friend of more than thirty years.
A 1) their 2) they 3) them 4) theirs
B 1) be 2) is 3) were 4) are
C 1) two 2) too 3) also 4) either
D 1) popularity 2) popular 3) most popular 4) more popular
E 1) marry 2) married 3) marries 4) has married