пожайлуста с английским Starting system
Exercise 2. Learn the meanings of the words and word combinations from the following descriptions.
1. Electrical system is equipment in a motor vehicle that provides electricity to start the engine, ignite the fuel; operate the lights, windshield wiper,
heater and air conditioner.
2. Alternator is an old term for an electric generator that produces alternating current (переменный ток).
3. Voltage regulator is a transformer which voltage ratio of transformation
can be adjusted.
4. Automobile battery, car battery is a lead-acid (свинцово-кислотного
типа) storage battery in a motor vehicle; usually a 12-volt battery of six cells;
the heart of the car's electrical system.
5. Headlamp, headlight is a powerful light with refl ector (отражатель);
attached to the front of an automobile or locomotive.
6. Ignition is the mechanism that ignites the fuel in an internal-combustion
Exercise 3. Read the text and prove that the starting system proper operation is very
important for the vehicle’s work.
When talking about vehicles, especially when it is about the vehicle’s
power and performance, we often hear only about the powerful engines, stiff
suspensions, and capable transmissions. This is particularly true if the main
topic of the conversation is a luxury performance vehicle. Seldom we talk
about the vehicle’s starting system. It is another very important system that
every vehicle is equipped with.
The vehicle’s starting system is composed basically of two components:
the electric starter motor (or starter) and the starter solenoid. As you turn the
ignition key to the start position, the starter solenoid gets activated, which in
turn energizes the starter motor. The starter motor would then spin the engine
a few revolutions, allowing the combustion process to begin and the vehicle to
start moving.
The main function of the vehicle’s engine starting system is to induce the
engine to start moving. But starting a cold engine requires a large amount
of power and a large amount of electricity. In order for the starter motor to
induce the engine to start spinning, it must overcome all the internal friction
caused by the piston rings (поршневые кольца), the compression pressure
in the engine cylinders, the energy needed to open and close the valves with
the camshaft, and the power needed to start all the other components attached to the engine, like the water pump, oil pump and others. And because
such power can only be brought by a large amount of electricity, the starter
solenoid must be able to handle enormous current fl ows.
High performance vehicles (высокоэффективные транспортные
средства) are equipped with high quality and high performance engine
starting system components that makes starting a cold engine smooth and
easy. Eventually, though, these components may start to wear down with use
and age. If this happens, you really would have to replace your starter motor
and starter solenoid.
Exercise 4. Answer the questions.
1. What components is the vehicle’s starting system composed of?
2. What is the main function of the vehicle’s engine starting system?
3. Why does starting a cold engine require much power?
4. Why are high performance vehicles equipped with high quality engine
starting system components?

Tto2036 Tto2036    2   27.12.2020 19:04    74

ryabtsev08 ryabtsev08  21.12.2023 10:12
1. The vehicle's starting system is composed of two components: the electric starter motor (or starter) and the starter solenoid.

2. The main function of the vehicle's engine starting system is to induce the engine to start moving. When the ignition key is turned to the start position, the starter solenoid gets activated, which energizes the starter motor. The starter motor then spins the engine a few revolutions, allowing the combustion process to begin and the vehicle to start moving.

3. Starting a cold engine requires much power because it needs to overcome internal friction caused by the piston rings, the compression pressure in the engine cylinders, the energy needed to open and close the valves with the camshaft, and the power needed to start all the other components attached to the engine, such as the water pump and oil pump. This requires a large amount of electricity.

4. High-performance vehicles are equipped with high-quality and high-performance engine starting system components because they need to ensure that starting a cold engine is smooth and easy. These components are designed to handle the power demands of high-performance engines and provide reliable starting even in demanding conditions. Over time, with use and age, these components may wear down and need to be replaced.
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