Повторите спряжение глагола to be в Present и Past Simple и заполните пропуски нужной формой. Запишите предложения.
1. Last year I... a schoolboy, but now I... a student at a Medical College.
2. When he ... young his hair ... black, but now his hair ... grey.
3. We ... good friends now, but not very long ago we ... only neighbors.
4. There ... 200,000 people in our town, but ten years ago there ... only 50,000.
5. There ... many mistakes in your last dictation, but in this dictation there ... only one mistake.
6. My sister ... not well yesterday, but today she ... all right.
7. Usually I… in time for my lessons, but yesterday I ... late.

Закончите предложения, заполнив пропуски глаголом to be в подходящих по
формах Past, Present или Future Simple. Запишите полученные предложения.
1. John ... an old friend of mine.
2. We ... friends even when we ... children.
3. We went to school together, played together after the lessons and everybody thought we ...
4. Now we... students of a medical school.
5. John wants to become a dentist and I... sure that he ... a good specialist because he works
hard to master his profession.
6. Tomorrow John ... twenty.
7. Every year John's birthday ... a great occasion not only for his family but for all his friends.
8. All his friends will come to his party and I... very glad to go there and to say "Happy
birthday!" to my best friend.

Денисс2017 Денисс2017    1   25.10.2020 16:13    2

sehya72 sehya72  24.11.2020 16:13

1. was, am

2. was, was, is

3. are, were

4. are, were

5. were, is

6. was, is

7. am, was

1. is

2. were, are

3. are

4. are

5. am, will be

6. will be

7. is

8. am

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