Повтори правила образования сравнительной и превосходной степени сравнения прилагательных и выполни тест:
1. Mary is ... than Kate.
a) tall b) taller c) the tallest
2. Tom is ... than Bob
a) short b) shorter c) the shortest
3. Bill reads ... than Ben.
a) much b) more
c) the most
4. Pam is ... than Helen.
a) old b) older c) the oldest
5. Mona's dress is ... than Pam s dress.
a) cheap b) cheaper c) the cheapest
6. Nick is ... than Mike
a) fast b) faster c) the fastest
7. Tim is ... than his brother.
a) helpful b) more helpful c) the most helpful
8. This text is ... than that text.
a) difficult b) more difficult c) the most difficult
I have known...)