Потрібний переказ тексту In business organization structure means the relationship between positions and people who hold the positions. It provides an efficient work system as well as a system of communication. The three forms of the organization structure are 1) line organization structure, 2) line-and-staff organization structure, 3) matrix organization structure.

A line organization structure is the one in which there is a direct two-way line of responsibility, authority and communication running from the top to the bottom of the organization. The main idea of such organization structure is to provide direct vertical relationship between the position and tasks of each level, and the positions and tasks above and below each level. A line structure clearly defines responsibilities and authority at each level; it is easy to understand as it provides one supervisor for each person. However, a line organization structure may have some disadvantages like certain inflexibility, too long chain of command and communication, few specialists or experts to advise people along the line.

To minimize the disadvantages of simple line organization structure most businesses today have both line and staff personnel and apply a line-and-staff organization structure. Line personnel perform functions that directly fulfill the main goals of the organization, which are making the product, distributing it, and selling it. Staff personnel perform functions that advise and assist line personnel in performing their tasks. Staff employees conduct marketing research, provide legal advising, hire personnel, and arrange for credit or advertising. Staff people usually serve advisory function, they usually cannot tell line managers or their workers what to do. Different organizations handle line-staff relations in different ways, designing systems that enable line and staff managers to co-operate and respond more quickly to market changes.

Today’s economy is dominated by new kinds of organizations in high-tech industries such as biotechnology, robotics and aerospace. Such businesses focus on developing new products, creativity, special projects, rapid communication and interdepartmental teamwork. All these factors caused the appearance of a new type of organization structure- a matrix organization structure. A matrix structure is the one in which specialists from different parts of the organization are brought together to work on specific projects but still remain part of the line-and-staff structure. In other words, a project manager can borrow people from different departments to help to design and market new product ideas. This organization structure is now widely used in high-tech industries as well as in banking, management consulting firms, accounting firms, advertising agencies.

tasapetrova tasapetrova    2   09.12.2020 12:10    4

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