1 noisily
2 helpful
3 famous
4 careful
5 It was very careless of you to have left your passport at home.
6 active
7 width
8 misty
9 seventeen
10 changeable
11 pleasant
12 collection
13 difference
14 musician
15 whiteness
1) noisily
2) helpful
3) famous
4) careful
5) careless
6) active
7) width
8) misty
9) seventeen
10) changeable
11) pleasant
12) collection
13) difference
14) musician
15) whiteness
1 noisily
2 helpful
3 famous
4 careful
5 It was very careless of you to have left your passport at home.
6 active
7 width
8 misty
9 seventeen
10 changeable
11 pleasant
12 collection
13 difference
14 musician
15 whiteness
1) noisily
2) helpful
3) famous
4) careful
5) careless
6) active
7) width
8) misty
9) seventeen
10) changeable
11) pleasant
12) collection
13) difference
14) musician
15) whiteness