Поставьте так что бы получился диалог. 1 of course, i can. what time may i call back? 2 hi, auntie. this is jenny speaking . how are you today? 3 thank you. goodbye. 4 we're fine. can i speak to uncle willy? 5 i'm sorry, jenny. he isn't in. he's somewhere in the garden. i think he's watering flowers. can you call back later? 6 fine, thanks. and you? 7 bay, jenny 8 ok i'll call in an hour. 9 fine 10 can you call an hour? 11 hello

jzzy jzzy    2   20.07.2019 12:00    1

Никто25555 Никто25555  03.10.2020 08:47
11, 2, 6,4,5,1,10,8,9,3,7
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