Поставьте глаголы в скобках в presentperfect. 1) they … (elect) the president of the company. 2) the study … (indicate) a connection between poverty and crime. 3) … scientists … (observe) a drop in ozone levels over the antarctic? 4) he … (not/built) a house. 5) she … (print) this text. 6) where … you … (be)? 7) i … (see) him today. 8) the computer industry … (generate) hundreds of new jobs in the area. 9) scientists … (identify) the gene that causes abnormal growth. 10) i … (not/be) to the theatre for ages. 11) john … (be) infrancefor three weeks. 12) my sister … (watch) the film twice. 13) our letter … (just/arrive). 14) how many books … michael … (write)? 15) a student … (interpret) the text.

zorlnaviitukp00zmd zorlnaviitukp00zmd    3   29.05.2019 17:00    2

юля2761 юля2761  28.06.2020 21:28
1) They have elected the president of the company. 2) The study has (indicated a connection between poverty and crime. 3) have scientists observed a drop in ozone levels over the Antarctic? 4) He has not built a house. 5) She has (printed this text. 6) Where have you … been? 7) I have (seen him today. 8) The computer industry has generated hundreds of new jobs in the area. 9) Scientists have (identified the gene that causes abnormal growth. 10) I have not been  to the theatre for ages. 11) John has been in France for three weeks. 12) My sister has watched the film twice. 13) Our letter has just arrived. 14) How many books has Michael written? 15) A student has interpreted the text.
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