Поставьте глаголы в скобках в presentperfect. 1. he (finish) training. 2. we (watch) all the champions league matches this season. 3. that's amazing! she (run) fifteen kilometers this morning! 4. she (buy) some really nice rollerblades! 5. oh, no! i (lose) my money! 6. my mum (write) shopping list. it's on the kitchen table. 7. dad, you (eat) my biscuit! 8. hurry up! they (start) the film! 9. mary (study) hard this year, so she'll pass her exams. 10. they (live) in miami for two years.

diyoyoroo diyoyoroo    1   25.09.2019 11:00    1

Полина33337 Полина33337  08.10.2020 18:13
He has finished training.
We have watched all the Champions League matches this season
She has bought some really nice rollerblades
I have losed my money
My mum has written shopping list
Dad, you have eaten my biscuit
They have started
Mary has studied
They have lived in Miami for two years
Мирамкуль1 Мирамкуль1  08.10.2020 18:13
1)He has finished
2)we have watched
3)She has run
4)She has bought
5)I have lost
6)my mom has written
7)you have eaten
8)they have started
9)mary has studied
10)they have lived
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