Поставьте глаголы в правильную форму (Present simple/Present
1) Tom
_(play/golf) now. Usually he
_(not/play) golf, he
(watch) golf on TV.
2) We
(read) Harry Potter now. We always _(read) books after
school in our living room.
3) Look! Sally_ _(play) the piano. Usually she
_(not/play) the piano,
usually she_ _(sing).
4) Listen! Tim and Tom_ (read) books together in the bedroom. Usually they
(not/read) books together, they usually (play) computer games.
5) I_ (not/sleep) now, I_ (watch) TV. I always _(watch) TV
after dinner.
6) My friends often _(go) to the cinema. They usually (buy) popcorn
and cola, but today there is no popcorn so they (buy) crisps today.
Sally (drink) orange juice now? No, she_ _. She (drink)
apple juice now. She always __ (drink) apple juice.

gargallik gargallik    3   15.04.2020 20:21    7

nadia182 nadia182  13.10.2020 07:49

1. Tom is playing now. Usually he does not play golf, he usually watches TV.

2. We are reading Harry Potter now. We always read books after school...

3. Look! Sally is playing the piano. Usually she does not play the piano.


niga24 niga24  13.10.2020 07:49

1. playing now

usually plays, usually watches

2. We are reading, always read

3. Sally is playing, usually she doesnt play, usually she sings

4.are reading books together, usually they dont read books, they usually play

5.im not sleeping now , I'm watching tv, I always watch TV

6. often go, usually buy, are buying crisps

7. Is Sally drinking , no she isnt. She is drinking apple juice, always drinks.


Используем continuous tense, когда есть слова как now. Когда есть always - факт, то есть simple tense.


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