Поставьте глаголы в нужную форму, соблюдая правило согласования времен. 1. They said that they (to give) us all the information tomorrow.
2. He did it better than I (to think) he would.
3. He said that our friends (to be) there soon (скоро).
4. I think it all happened soon after the meeting (to end) .
5. When I came to his house, they (to tell) me that he (to leave) an hour before.
6. The astronomer told us that the Moon (to be) 240,000 miles (миль) from the Earth.
7. We asked the policemen whether they ever (to see) such an accident.
8. We thought that we (to start) our work at four o’clock.
9. I told you that I (to leave) town on the next day.
10. I did not know that you already (to get) the letter.
11. The boy did not know that water (to boil – кипеть) at 100 degrees.
12. He wanted to know what ( to become) of the books.
13. He said that the secretary just (to go out) and (to come back) in half an hour.
14. We were afraid that she not (to be able) to finish her work in time.
15. He said we (may) keep the book as long as we (to like) ___ .

netznanie netznanie    1   14.06.2020 13:51    4

pidortema pidortema  15.10.2020 14:00

1  would give

2 thought

3 would be

4 ended

5 told, had left

6 was

7 had seen

8 -

9 would leave

10 have got

11 boils

12 -

13had went out, would come back

14 wasn't able

15 might, like

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