Поставьте глаголы в future simple или present simple. 1)if it rains,we go)out. 2)it"s cold! on)the heating. 3)if the weather )good, we"ll go on a picnic. 4)you can ask john that question when he ). 5) i think manchester )the match. 6)maybe i ) a writer when i grow up. 7) if ) anything about the accident,i"ll let you know. 8) he always ) the door when he leaves for work.

макарена2 макарена2    1   30.05.2019 05:10    5

bititi2 bititi2  29.06.2020 22:22

1) If it rains, we won't go out.

2) It's cold! I'll turn on the heating.

3) If the weather is good, we'll go on a picnic.

4) You can ask John that question when he comes.

5) I think Manchester will win the match.

6) Maybe I'll be a writer when I grow up.

7) If I hear anything about the accident, I'll let you know.

8) He always locks the door when he leaves for work.

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