Поставьте глагол в скобках в правильном времени – Present Perfect или Past Perfect.

1. Mary and John are such a lovely couple. I ... always ... them. (like)
2. My aunt is in poor health. She ... in hospital since Monday. (be)
3. Parents ... to their children before the party, so they behaved quite well. (talk)
4. I didn't introduce Katie and Ann to each other, they ... already ... before. (meet)
5. I am going to the library to return this book. I ... it already. (read)

katyusha1514111 katyusha1514111    3   03.06.2020 00:17    17

Ритка069 Ритка069  15.10.2020 12:53

1. have always liked

2. has been

3. had talked

4. had already met

5. have read

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