Поставьте глагол to have в соответствующую форму. 1. i … no sister, but i … a brother. 2. … oleg many friends? 3. they … some mechanics on the farm. 4. ann … some exercise books in her bag. 5. they … some nurses in the hospital. 6. we … different subjects at school. 7. she has a nice dress. 8. this girl … many flowers.

olmilevskaya1 olmilevskaya1    3   22.06.2019 04:20    1

Кириииил Кириииил  02.10.2020 08:00
1. I have no sister, but I have a brother.
2. Does Oleg have many friends?
3. They have some mechanics on the farm.
4. Ann has some exercise books in her bag.
5. They have some nurses in the hospital.
6. We have different subjects at school.
7. She has a nice dress.
8. This girl has many flowers.