Поставьте Фразовый глагол COME с нужными послелогами по смыслу Come apart – разваливаться, распадаться
Come about – появляться, возникать
Come down with – заболеть
Come across – случайно встретить, наткнуться
Come around – заходить, заезжать, приходить
Come after – преследовать
Come back – возвращаться
Come along – сопровождать кого-либо, идти с кем-либо
1 How did this brilliant idea come?
2 I came this fact when I was reading the book
3 The thief did not notice that the policemen were coming him
4 If you want you can come with us
5 He kicked the case and it came
6 She will come tomorrow
7 They are coming on Monday
8 I came with flu last week.