поставить вопрос правильно 2. That tower is going to collapse soon. (Why ...?)
3. My friends are going to arrive today. (How many friends ...?)
4. We are going to pay for her. (How much ...?)
5. Mum is going to see her dentist on Monday. (When...?)
6. I am going to wear a white dress tonight. (Why...?)
4. Translate into English.​

PeppaPig2222 PeppaPig2222    3   15.12.2020 12:54    0

LOL12411111 LOL12411111  14.01.2021 12:54

1. Why is that tower going to collapse?

2. How many friends are going to arrive today?

3. How much are you going to pay ?

4.  When is she going to see her dentist?

5. Why are you going to wear a white dress tonight?


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