Поставить в нужном времени
1. With whom Sandy (to argue) for all morning? 2. Lily (to suggest) us a new hobby every month. 3. Why Lisa (to worry) now? 4. Terry (to hear) screams at last. 5. The host already (to allow) us to open the door. 6. Lisa (to change) her opinion twice a day. 7. After school Larry (to explain) me a new rule. 8. Why you (to fail) an exam this week? 9. Your brother (to move) the furniture now?

kat19810 kat19810    1   24.09.2021 11:44    0

yulakri yulakri  24.09.2021 11:50
1. Was arguing
2. Suggested
3. Is worrying
4. Has heard
5. Has allowed
6. Is changing
7. Explained
8. Why did you fail an exam this week?
9. Is your brother moving the furniture now?

1) has been arguing for..

2) suggests

3) is worried now? (Если интересна причина) / is worrying ( если просто спрашивают, чего она плаче. Без особой цели, как говорят из вежливости) хотя я предпочел бы 1 вариант.

4) has heard

5) The host has already allowed us..

6) changes

7) explained

8) did you fail...

9) Is your brother moving the furniture now?

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