Поставить слова в правильном порядке и ответить на вопросы. wat the cat can do? what the cat can t do? the cat do can how many things? wo watch tv can?

katalkina17 katalkina17    3   30.05.2019 15:20    2

lkQwertyuiop1 lkQwertyuiop1  30.06.2020 16:40
What can the cat do? The cat can jump. What can't the cat do? The can can't read. How many things can the cat do? The cat can do a lot of things. Who can watch TV? People can watch TV.
Nope2281 Nope2281  30.06.2020 16:40
What the cat can do?
What the cat can't do?
How many things the cat can do?
Who Can watch TV?
The cat can eat, sleep, run, jump.
The cat can't swim, read, write, paint, talk.
The cat can do a lot of things.
People can watch TV.
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