Поставить к одному из предложений текста 4 типа вопросов (общий, специальный. разделительный, альтернативный). iike most otner great inuman achievements, tne motor car is not the product of any single inventor. One of the earliest attempts to propel a vehicle by mechanical power was suggested by Isaac Newton. But the first self-propelled vehicle was constructed by the French military engineer Cugnot in 1763. Не built a steam-driven engine which had three wheels, carried two passengers and ran at maximum speed of four miles per hour. In 1784 the Russian inventor Kulibin built a three-wheeled carriage. In his vehicle he used for the first time such new elements as brakes, rollers and a gearbox.

никун никун    1   26.11.2021 13:53    1

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