Поставить глагол в скобках в past simple или past continuous. 1 what (claire/do) when you (phone) her? ) to music. /turn) the radio off? no, she didn't. ) to listen to music programme. 2 ) a book last night when hear) my sister shouting (happen)? ) the washing up when a plate ) and she (cut) her finger. 3 we ) by the door when the children ) in. you/see) what they looked like? no. they (wear) scary costumes. 4 you/do) when he (faint)? (call) an ambulance.

Natiman Natiman    3   29.03.2019 18:50    2

Nastya3748 Nastya3748  27.05.2020 13:56

1.What did Claire do when you were phoned to her?She listened to music.Did she turned off the radio?No,she didn't.She wanted to listen to music programme.

2.I was reading a book last night when I heard my sister shouting what happend?She was doing the washing up when a plate broken and she cut her finger.

3.We stood by the door when the cheldren were walking in.Did you see what they looked like?No.They worn scary costumes.

4.What were you doing when they fainted?I were calling an ambulance

LenaED LenaED  27.05.2020 13:56

 1 What was Claire doing when you phoned her? She was listening to music. Did she turn the radio off? No, she didn't. She wanted to listen to music programme.- Что Клара делала, когда ты ей звонила? Она слушала музыку. Она выключила радио? Нет. Она хотела послушать музыкальную программу.

2. I was reading a book last night when I heard my sister shouting. What happened? She was doing the washing up when a plate brоke and she cut her finger. Я читал книгу поздно ночью, когда услышал крик моей сестры Что случилось? Она мыла посуду, когда тарелка разбилась. и она порезала палец..

3 We were standing  by the door when the children were walking in. Did you see what they looked like? No. They were wearing scary costumes. - Мы стояли у двери, когда дети проходили мимо. Вы видели, как они выглядели? нет. Они были в карнавальные (страшные) костюмы.

4 What were you doing when he fainted? I called an ambulance.  Что вы делали, когда он упал в обморок? Я позвонил в больницу.

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