Поставить глагол в будущем времени и дописать предложения. (пример) 1.my mum will be (be) furious if i fail my english test 2.if my best ) my 3.if be) busy tomorrow, 4.if i ) enough money this year, 5.if i ) my homework early 6.if up) late 7.) very disappointed 8.if ) some free time next week, !

partypoison6 partypoison6    3   06.07.2019 00:00    1

VladimirLK VladimirLK  29.07.2020 11:00
2. If my best friend forget about my birthday, I won't be busy tomorrow
3. If I am not busy tomorrow, I will save enough money this year
4. If I save enough money this year, I will finish my homework early today.
5. If I finish my homework early today, I will stay up late tonight.
6. If I stay up late tonight, I won't be very disappointed.
7. I won't be very disappointed if I have some free time next week.
8. If I have some free time next week, I won't be very disappointed.
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