Поставь слова в нужном порядке. 1 How , from , gallery , the , do , art ,we ,here ,to ,get.

2 How ,train ,can ,the ,I ,get ,to ,station.

3 Can you ,Tom ,the way ,tell ,to ,the ,cafe?

4 I am ,the for ,looking ,store ,food.

5 It's, walk, school, far ,from ,to ,not.

6 The cinema, street ,of ,at ,is ,the end ,this.

Буду очень благодарен!

Поставь слова в нужном порядке. 1 How , from , gallery , the , do , art ,we ,here ,to ,get.2 How ,tr

xammatovrunar xammatovrunar    2   21.10.2020 20:34    250

отличник722 отличник722  14.01.2024 09:18
1. How do we get to the art gallery from here?

Explanation: The correct order of the words is rearranged to form a grammatically correct question.

Step-by-step solution:

- Start by identifying the key words in the sentence: art gallery, here, get.
- The first word should be "How," as it is an interrogative adverb and indicates that a question is being asked.
- The next word should be "do" to form the question structure.
- Next, we add the subject "we" which refers to the speaker and other people.
- Then, we add the verb "get" to indicate the action of reaching the art gallery.
- The preposition "to" is used to show the destination.
- Finally, we add the remaining words in the correct order: "the" (the definite article), "art gallery" (the location), and "from here" (the starting point).

2. How can I get to the train station?

Explanation: The sentence is asking for directions to the train station.

Step-by-step solution:

- Identify the key words: train station, can, get.
- Begin with "How" to form a question.
- Use the modal verb "can" to express ability or permission.
- Add the subject "I" to refer to the person asking the question.
- Follow it with the verb "get" to express the action of reaching the train station.
- Use the preposition "to" to indicate the destination.
- Place the remaining words in the correct order: "the" (the definite article) and "train station" (the location).

3. Tom, can you tell me the way to the cafe?

Explanation: The question is asking for directions to the cafe and specifically addressing someone named Tom.

Step-by-step solution:

- Identify the key words: Tom, way, tell, cafe.
- Start the question with the name "Tom," followed by a comma.
- Use the modal verb "can" to ask for Tom's ability to provide directions.
- Add the pronoun "you" to refer to Tom.
- Use the verb "tell" to ask for information.
- Include the article "the" before the noun "way" to specify the specific route.
- Place the preposition "to" to indicate the destination.
- Finally, add "the" before the noun "cafe" to specify the location.

4. I am looking for the food store.

Explanation: The sentence states that the speaker is searching for a food store.

Step-by-step solution:

- Identify the key words: looking, food store.
- Begin with the subject pronoun "I" to indicate the speaker.
- Use the verb "am" to establish the action of searching.
- Follow it with the verb "looking" to describe the action in progress.
- Add the preposition "for" to show the purpose or goal of the search.
- Finally, include the article "the" before the noun "food store" to specify the particular store being sought.

5. It's not far to walk from school.

Explanation: The sentence indicates that the distance from school is not long to walk.

Step-by-step solution:

- Identify the key words: not far, walk, school.
- Begin with the contraction "It's," which stands for "It is."
- Use the negation adverb "not" to express the absence of distance.
- Include the adjective "far" to describe the distance from school.
- Add the preposition "to" to indicate the goal or direction.
- Finally, include the noun "walk" to specify the method of transportation from school.

6. The cinema is at the end of this street.

Explanation: The sentence describes the location of the cinema at the end of a specific street.

Step-by-step solution:

- Identify the key words: cinema, end, street.
- Start with the definite article "The" to specify a specific cinema.
- Add the noun "cinema" to name the place.
- Use the verb "is" as a linking verb to establish the location.
- Include the preposition "at" to indicate the position of the cinema.
- Add the article "the" before the noun "end" to specify the endpoint of the street.
- Finally, include the demonstrative adjective "this" before the noun "street" to specify the particular street mentioned.
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