последние балы отдаю, нужно выбрать что то одно в дужках: 2. Large cities are (most polluted / more polluted than) they were in the past.;;; 3. Travelling by bus is (cheapest / cheaper) than travelling by plane.;;; 4. In some African countries, there is (less / the most) water than before.;;; 5. The cheetah is one of the (more faster / fastest) animals in the world. ;

Alice26the03time2004 Alice26the03time2004    2   22.06.2020 19:28    6

ЭймиКаннет ЭймиКаннет  15.10.2020 14:41

2. Large cities are more polluted than they were in the past.;;; 3. Travelling by bus is cheaper than travelling by plane.;;; 4. In some African countries, there is less water than before.;;; 5. The cheetah is one of the fastest animals in the world. ;


НадюшаLOVEYOU НадюшаLOVEYOU  15.10.2020 14:41

Выбрать что-то одно в дужках:

2. Large cities are (more polluted than) they were in the past.

3. Travelling by bus is (cheaper) than travelling by plane.

4. In some African countries, there is (less) water than before.

5. The cheetah is one of the (fastest) animals in the world.

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