Последнее : вам нужно переделать, ниже предложения в предложения с косвенной речью. 'i would buy a car if i had enough money,' he said to her. 'oranges grow in hot countries,' the teacher said. 'you had better to clean this mess,' mum said to clair. 'i found this note under the sofa,' said sue. 'if i finish work early, i'll call you,' she said.
money he would have bought a car.
2The teacher said(that) oranges grew in hot countries.
хотя в этом предложении можно написать -grow-,т.к.это общеизвестный факт.
3Mum said to Clair(that)she had better to clean that mess.
4Sue said(that) she had found that note under the sofa.
5She said(that) if she finished work early,she would call me.